Friday, May 11, 2012

The itch to code

I did some bug fixing and rewrote a scene or two I didn't like, so not  a ton on the content front. However, I got the itch to program.... so I ended up writing a procedurally generated labyrinth for the red lily that will be implemented in not this next patch but down the road. Not a hundred percent sure on the technicalities of it but I have a rough idea for it. To my knowledge this is the first time something like this has been done for slave maker.
Other news that I recently got some more free time so I should be able to do a lot more work on this.


  1. Ooh, neat. I'm curious what the "maze" is supposed to accomplish; does it have random encounters or something similar? Just wondering what the purpose of a labyrinth is inside a place like the Red Lily.

  2. Yeah, I haven't figured out the specifics of it all, but the idea is that you will enter it and have to get to the end. Meanwhile there will be traps and the like to stop you from doing so.

  3. Good and since you are at coding!!!

    Once thing that you should consider is to make higher the chances of getting a bad end with the mistress in the stalls. Got over +1000 encounters and I cannot for the life of me get the bad end. If there is one, because I remember there was a -5% of getting it! or so I read in the futanari palace forum...

    As for the Labyrinth. Make it something like a minotaur idea. You get inside the maze because you didn't pay or failed to do a chore if you are submissive enough. This could be very well another entertainment fot the bast.... errr clients that could bid if you go through the labyrinth unscathed or no. Of course the actual minotaur could be another monster or person :3

    Just saying an idea...

    Hugs and Kisses Alectra

  4. That was the general idea of the maze in the first place, as for the stall bad end: it was bugged in the last release and will be available next update. To be honest I really didn't like how I wrote the bad end for the stall the first time around so I did a rewrite on it and it should be good to go.

  5. Interesting idea.
    How does Cmac's changes to the XML in SM effect the procedural generation? As low level I'd hate to have to see you need to start over.

  6. I really don't follow the XML stuff cause I don't actually use it. To my knowledge there is backward compatibility between the old version and new version of action script coding. Besides, the maze itself is completely independent of any slave maker code and is entirely built upon my own code.

  7. Ah, neat. 'Fraid I don't know anything about action script.

    I don't suppose you have a tentative date for the stalls and TF patch?

  8. Well, will continue to wait impatiently ^_^

  9. Hey Rowadon, the chick in the bar, the one you can socialize with if you're plastered/buzzed, are there any additional scenes for her in the current version, or just the two?

  10. Don't quite remember, but I think there may be a few more, although I'm not sure I ever properly bug tested it.

  11. So have you quit? Because I'm still hoping to enjoy the full Red Lily. I want to see what the slave maker is like as a slave. ^_^
